Donnghail - Clan McNaggle Second Edition This is a copy of the journal kept by a chieftain of the barbarian people of Halas. It chronicles the sad end of Halas. 這是一份由海拉斯的一位酋長所保存日誌的複本。它記載了海拉斯悲慘的結局。 Entry One The orcs have been riled up, but I donna know what's gotten into them. It's my job to find out, though. I canna have them causing any more problems to our people than they already have. I just hope the Tribunal has judged us worthy enough to keep the peace and to smite those beasts down before they get outta hand. 第一頁半獸人們已經被激怒了,但我不知道是什麼原因。然而我有責任把它搞清楚。我不能再讓牠們對我的子民造成比以前更大的問題。我只希望崔波拿裁定我們已經夠資格保有和平,並能在這些怪獸失去控制之前將牠們擺平。 Entry Two A couple of hunting parties have come back and told us chieftains that the orcs are gathering together. We're beginning to think that we should have voted differently during last thaw's vote. Choosing to stop attacking those beasts for the time being so that we don't wipe them out like the mammoths may have been in folly. I only hope this isn't an omen of things to come. 第二頁兩組獵捕隊回來並告訴我們這些酋長,半獸人已經集合在一起。我們對於最後一次融雪表決期間是否投票意見分歧。我們選擇暫時停止攻擊這些怪獸,如此我們才不會重蹈將毛象消滅殆盡的愚蠢行為。我只希望這不是大事件來臨的前兆。 Entry Three Those blasted orcs have been amassing in greater numbers since we last checked on them. Two scouting parties never returned, and the only survivor of the third have confirmed our greatest fears. The orcs now have an army that numbers in the thousands. Though it's impossible to think of it, we may have to prepare for war against the monsters. 第三頁在我們最後一次的巡查之後,那些憤怒的半獸人已經累積了相當的數量。兩組偵查隊出去就沒再回來過,第三隊唯一的倖存者確認了我們最大的恐懼。半獸人現在已經擁有上千人的軍隊。即使這是不可能的事情,我們也許要開始準備和這些怪物作戰。 Entry Four Our worst fears have come to pass. The massive war party of the orcs are on the move. From what the spotters have told us, they seem to be moving in the direction of our town. I've ordered the hunters to gather as much food as they can find. In one week we will draw the rafts back from the shore and allow no access into the city. I can only wonder what crime we have performed that would cause the Tribunal to sentence us to this punishment. 第四頁我們最害怕的事即將成真。半獸人的主力軍隊開始移動。據守望人所說,牠們似乎正朝向我們的城鎮而來。我已經命令獵人們盡可能地搜集食物。在一個星期中我們將會收回所有在岸邊的木筏,並封鎖整個城市。我疑惑到底是怎樣的罪行,會讓崔波拿對我們做出如此的懲罰。 Entry Five They've spent the past two weeks digging through the collapsed tunnels. Those monsters can't get in, but nor can we get out. We have enough frozen food to last us a long time, but the orcs don't seem as if they're going to give up anytime soon. I've had to double the shifts of the guards, just in case those beasts breach the defenses. 第五頁牠們花了過去兩個禮拜的時間,試圖打通崩塌的隧道。這些怪物進不來,但我們同樣地出不去。結凍的食物足夠讓我們維持很長的一段時間,但半獸人不像是要在短時間放棄的樣子,我已經將防禦工事升高一倍,免得這些怪獸突破了防線。 Entry Six The blasted buggers broke through, but they didn't know what they were getting into. It's one thing to start a fight with us barbarians, but attack our home ATTACK OUR HOME! Now they'll see what unbridled fury looks like. They thought we were angry before Now they're gonna get what's coming to them! 第六頁這些憤怒的畜生攻進來了,但牠們不知道包圍牠們的是什麼。跟我們野蠻人決鬥是一回事,但這是進攻我們的家園進攻我們的家園!現在牠們將會見識到毫無抑制的狂怒是什麼樣子。之前牠們只是知道我們的憤怒,現在牠們得用身體承受! Entry Seven We've got them on the run! Chopping through hundreds of orcs at a time, those beasts have seen what happens when you cross one of the True Men. Axes swinging, we mowed through their numbers with a fury they've never seen before. Now it's time to hunt down all the stragglers. No one attacks Halas and expects to live long enough to tell stories about it. AHHAAA! I haven't felt this alive in years! 第七頁我們讓牠們逃走了!一次砍殺了數以百計的半獸人後,那些怪獸們已經知道了當你跨過一個英雄之後會發生什麼事。斧頭飛舞著,我們帶著牠們前所未見的暴怒成群地掃蕩著他們。現在是時候追捕那些散兵游勇了。沒有人能在攻打海拉斯以後還冀望活著回去講故事的。啊啊啊! 我好幾年沒有覺得這麼有活力了。 Entry Eight The shaman have failed us. They say the Tribunal no longer passes any judgments, nor do they respond to our questions. We chieftains will delay our vote to the last minute, in hopes that the Tribunal deems what is about to happen to Halas as a great injustice. For the orcs that our men wiped out was nothing more than the forward party. The true army of orcs is still on their way. And their numbers are in the tens of thousands. 第八頁巫醫們辜負了我們的期望。他們說崔波拿不再允許任何的天譴,也不再回應我們的疑問。酋長們將表決延遲到最後一刻,期待著崔波拿認為即將發生在海拉斯的,是極度不正義之事。因為我們的人所消滅的半獸人不過就是前鋒部隊。半獸人真正的軍隊還在路上,數量有成千上萬之多。 Entry Nine We have passed a vote that no barbarian chieftain should ever have to decide upon. With a heavy heart, we have sent many of the children and elderly away from Halas before the orcs arrive. Guiding them will be the men and women who cannot fight. They will go to the city of Qeynos and request help from their troops. I pray the Tribunal guides them there safely. The orcs are upon us, and we fight night and day. We will not just allow these beasts to walk in with an invitation. if they want Halas, they'll pay for it with fields of their lost blood. I only hope our people make it to Qeynos. They weren't told the real reason for their exodus. They are our only hope for survival - Halas is doomed. 第九頁我們通過了一項野蠻人酋長們從未有過的表決。我們懷著沉重的心,在半獸人抵達之前,將許多小孩和老人送離海拉斯。帶領他們的將是那些無法戰鬥的男人和女人。他們將會前往奎諾斯並向那兒的守軍尋求協助。我祈求崔波拿指引他們平安到達那裡。 半獸人包圍了我們,我們日以繼夜地奮戰著。我們絕不容許這些野獸輕易走進這裡。如果牠們想要海拉斯,牠們將會用染滿大地的鮮血做為代價。我只希望我們的子民能成功到達奎諾斯。他們不會洩露流亡的真正原因。他們是我們倖存的唯一希望──海拉斯淪陷了。 Source EverfrostPermafrost Collection Tome 來源:恆霜冰原永凍冰穴 書冊彙編
- Jul 12 Thu 2007 14:06
【Lore of EverQuest II】Barbarian History ─ Donnghail